Leading mining company reactivates mine site by employing a telemetry solution


One of Australia’s leading independent coal exploration and mining companies recently re-engaged one of their mine sites from caretaker to ‘active’ status.

After a number of inactive years, a lot of equipment needed either repair or replacement to comply with both operational and EPA requirements.

One such concern raised by the EPA was the existing water quality monitoring equipment – specifically used for monitoring waste water runoff.

With waste water potentially passing over the spillway and into surrounding waterways during significant rainfall events, this could potentially impact negatively upon the surrounding environment. It is therefore crucial to continually monitor the water quality prior to such an event occurring.

Initial estimates obtained by the mining company determined that to it would cost somewhere in the vicinity of $40K to repair the existing water quality monitoring equipment on site.

The solution


They turned to Pacific Data Systems Australia for a solution. PDSA were able to provide a complete new water quality monitoring solution utilising their PDS’ SatVUE satellite telemetry solution. The sensors integrated with the SatVUE solution included pH, Turbidity, EC, water depth and flow rate. All equipment as supplied for less than a 1/4 of the cost previously quoted to repair the existing equipment.

Yielding immediate results

Since installing the SatVUE system, the mining company is receiving upto-date data that can be viewed via a remote web portal, which makes data visible even when off site.

Alarm functionality is included should any predetermined thresholds be reached when monitoring the aforementioned parameters.

The company is also experiencing peace of mind, that they are complying with EPA requirements, and not impacting negatively on the surrounding environment.

Planning ahead

As a result of how well the initial deployment has gone, the company is already looking to employ the SatVUE unit solution across several of their other mine sites.

Post-install benefits


  • low CAPEX, low OPEX

  • improve operational efficiency and provide greater visibility

  • custody of data and minimisation of data transposition errors

  • monitor in remote areas inside or outside of 3G / 4G infrastructure

  • ease of installation

SatVUE – Technology that delivers remotely

Developed by Pacific Data Systems Australia, SatVUE is a compact, rugged device which collects and transmits data via the Inmarsat global satellite network.

PDSA had initially developed their SatVUE technology for use within the mining industry, but due to the device’s ability to integrate with a wide range of sensors / transmitters, they had since expanded their focus to also assist with monitoring applications within construction, agricultural and other environmental sectors.

At a cost of just 50c per monitoring site, per day for data transmission it makes for a very cost-effective solution, and frees-up personnel to focus on other tasks onsite.

Have other applications?

Due to its flexible sensor integration the SatVUE solution is ideal for monitoring.

Water – ground, surface, waste, irrigation, bores, tanks, turkey’s nests, pipelines, channels, streams or dams for levels, quality, evaporation, flow & pressure; seawater for quality, currents & tides. 

Air – for dust, gases, temperature, humidity, pressure, solar radiation, wind speed & direction. 

Soil – for moisture & contaminants. 

Oil, gas, & other fluids – in pipelines and tanks for levels and pumps for status & control & more!

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